Resurs Bank

Resurs Bank issues SEK 600 million of senior unsecured bonds

Resurs Bank AB has issued SEK 600 million of senior unsecured bonds in the Nordic market. The 3 year bonds (with maturity May 2022) will be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. The offer attracted very strong demand and resulted in an oversubscribed orderbook.

The bonds are issued under Resurs Bank’s MTN programme with a total frame of SEK 8 billion and pays a coupon of 3m Stibor + 1.45%. Settlement date will be 31 May 2019 and maturity date 31 May 2022.

Nordea and Swedbank acted as joint book runners in the transaction.

For additional information:
Peter Rosén, CFO & Head of IR, +46 736 56 49 34
Sofie Tarring Lindell, IR-Officer, +46 736 44 33 95

About Resurs:
Resurs is a Nordic niche bank that offers leading payment and financing solutions to retailers and consumers. We make loans, savings and payments fast, simple and secure. With more than 40 years’ experience from retail, our expertise stretches across both the instore and the online shopping experience. Today, we have about 5.9 million customers and more than 700 employees in the Nordics. Together, we make good things happen and the hard feel easier.

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23 maj 2019